This Fish Can Eat Small Alligators

in Facts
Goliath Tigerfish

The Goliath tigerfish can grow up to 5 feet long and has been known to eat small alligators.

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This fierce predator is found in Africa and can be aggressive to humans. It has 32 razor-sharp teeth, each measuring up to an inch long. It can grow up to 5 feet in length and weigh as much as 110 pounds.

Other names include Hydrocynus goliath, giant tigerfish, or mbenga.

The fish was featured in the first episode of the second season of the Animal Planet show River Monsters.

According to Animal Planet:

It likes turbulent waters, where fish who are less powerful swimmers struggle against the current, rendering them vulnerable to attack. It has excellent eyesight and the ability to sense low-frequency vibrations emitted by prey. It generally circles the unlucky fish before striking with the brutality of a piranha. The Goliath has been known to pounce on a 60-pound catfish and literally slice it in half.

Goliath Tigerfish








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