Most dreams last 5 to 20 minutes

in Facts

The average person has three to five dreams per night, and these dreams typically last from 5 to 20 minutes.

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Facts about dreams:

  • Most last 5 to 20 minutes
  • People can dream in black and white or color
  • Everyone dreams every night, but they don’t always remember them
  • People don’t dream while snoring
  • You are more likely to remember a dream if you are awakened during the REM phase


More from How Stuff Works:

“Unlike nightmares that occur during REM sleep, night terrors occur during non-REM sleep, usually in the first cycle of the deepest phase of sleep (within the first hour or two of going to bed). Night terrors can last anywhere from five to 20 minutes. People having a night terror are still asleep but may look like they are awake. For example, they may sit up in bed screaming with their eyes wide open. When they actually do wake up, they usually have no memory of the episode (although some people do remember them). Night terrors occur most frequently in children, but adults can also experience them.”








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