Man’s stomach brews beer after bizarre infection

in Facts

A rare infection has led to a 61-year old man’s body brewing alcohol in his stomach, leading to constant drunkenness.

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The Texas man would seemingly appear to get drunk spontaneously, without touching a drop of alcohol. Doctors at first shrugged off the drunk man’s insistence that he had not been drinking, despite being five times over the legal limit.

beer-bellyDoctors isolated the man and checked on him periodically. After eating carbohydrate-rich foods, the man’s blood alcohol level shot up.

As it turns out, the man had an infection which led to an overabundance of brewer’s yeast in his gut – meaning his gut would ferment sugars into ethanol and he would get drunk.

As explained by FoxNews:

Or, an infection more commonly known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or “auto-brewery syndrome”, as reported in the International Journal of Clinical Medicine.

Here’s how it worked: when the man consumed starch – like pasta, or fizzy drinks – the yeast fermented the sugars into ethanol, essentially turning him into a drunkard.








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